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- Universal Engineers | Competitive by Innovation
اكتشف تجربة القيادة الذاتية الأكثر أمانًا مع Autono. المستقبل من التنقل هنا رؤية نحن نغير الطريقة التي يفكر بها العالم في السيارات أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. Read More خدمات نحن نقدم منتجات وخدمات استثنائية في جميع أنحاء العالم 25,600 sq. mtr of Manufacturing shop floor facilities. Automated Robotic Production lines for Car-body shell, Underframe & Bogie Frame Development. Inhouse Car-body Shell, Boxing integration and Water Leak Test. Design & Innovation Center for New Product & Development. Quality Certifications (IRIS Certification, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45000, EN15085, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 3834. 6 Manufacturing Units 1000+ Skilled Workers. Dedicated FRP Unit (60,000 sq.ft) Dedicated Seating & Furnishing Units. Inhouse Honey Comb panels Manufacturing Unit NABL Accredited Laboratory. Dedicated Rail - Digital Solutions Center Integrated Forging & Machine Shop. Products OUR PRESTIGIOUS TURNKEY Project Credentials واثق من نفسه القيادة أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. اقرأ أكثر واثق من نفسه القيادة أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. اقرأ أكثر واثق من نفسه القيادة أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. اقرأ أكثر واثق من نفسه القيادة أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. اقرأ أكثر لماذا AUTONO نهج مختلف باستخدام طريقة تصنيع جديدة. أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. اقرأ أكثر أوتونو بالأرقام 200 الموظفين 5 الفرق الأساسية 200 مليون دولار رأس المال 1200+ RAILWAY COACHES Customers صناعة ملكنا شركاء انقر هنا لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وتخصيص النص. يعد هذا مكانًا رائعًا لسرد قصة عن شركتك وإعلام المستخدمين لديك بالمزيد عن تاريخ الشركة أو خلفية الفريق أو أي معلومات أخرى ترغب في مشاركتها. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" للبدء. النقل العام سيارات IMOGEN INTEGRAL COACH FACTORY ALSTOM برنامج IDI TRI-NEX HEAVY VEHICLES FACTORY ALTO SHAAM KANKYO BERT Careers وظائف نحن نبحث عن المواهب المبتكرة للانضمام إلى فريقنا. اطلع على جميع الوظائف وأرسل سيرتك الذاتية. فتحات مهندس كهرباء سان فرانسيسكو، كاليفورنيا أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط . قدم الآن Contact us
- Careers | Universal Engineers
نحن نصنع تحدث أفكار كبيرة انضم إلينا في الركوب موقعك يقع مقرنا في مركز الابتكار في سان فرانسيسكو أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. فرص العمل تغيير مستقبل النقل يعني التفكير بشكل مختلف. أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. مهندس كهرباء سان فرانسيسكو، كاليفورنيا أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط . قدم الآن لم تجد الوظيفة التي تبحث عنها؟ أرسل لنا سيرتك الذاتية يُقدِّم
- Our Story | Universal Engineers
رحلتنا Railways being the lifeline for India moving more than 25 million passengers every day and Universal Engineers Chennai Private Limited have been serving Indian Railways for 20 years delivering Car Body Shells and furnished coaches successfully. With more than 25,600 sq. meters of state-of-the-art manufacturing shop floor facilities, and over 1000+ skilled resources, Universal Engineers had developed Expertise in Sheet Metal manufacturing, Stainless Steel, Mild Steel Aluminum Fabrication works of side-walls, Roof, under frames and shell kits, Cold Roll Forming & Tube mill, FRP components, Seats, and Interior furnishings for Rolling Stocks. Universal Engineers had successfully delivered Turnkey Projects for Train 18 (Vande Bharat Express) comprising of nose cone structures, continuous windows, PVC Flooring and mini-Pantry equipment. We have also successfully delivered Vista dome Coaches where our scope involved complete Car body parts, interiors, Panoramic windows, Sun Roof, Executive Rotatable chairs, PAS/PIS, CCTV, Luggage Racks etc. We have been awarded and appreciated by our customers for having professionally delivered SPIC Coaches on turnkey basis. All our products are manufactured using superior materials meeting International Quality standards. Quality of the products are ensured through our In-house NABL Accredited test Laboratory and our production facilities are equipped with state-of the-art plant machinery like Robotic Laser Welding machines from Trumph Germany and Robotic resistance Welding Machines from Kuka, Japan etc. which meets the quality expectation of our customers on consistent basis. مهمتنا إعادة تعريف الطريق ننتقل أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط. أنا مكان رائع بالنسبة لك لسرد قصة والسماح للمستخدمين بمعرفة المزيد عنك. هذه مساحة رائعة لكتابة نص طويل عن شركتك وخدماتك. يمكنك استخدام هذه المساحة للدخول في مزيد من التفاصيل حول شركتك. تحدث عن فريقك والخدمات التي تقدمها. رحلتنا حتى الآن 2013 تم تأسيس AUTONO أنا فقرة. انقر هنا لإضافة النص الخاص بك وتحريرني. من السهل. فقط انقر فوق "تحرير النص" أو انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا فوقي لإضافة المحتوى الخاص بك وإجراء تغييرات على الخط . 2015 إطلاق تقنية حساس كسر الأرض Illumination Stickers & Grab Rails الإخبارية أوتونو في الصحافة Welding Trains with the Laser Trains in India play an important role in locomotion. Universal Engineers manufactures luxury trains, including a new XXL laser welding cell from TRUMPF. But the company first had to get close to the enormous topic of trains. Hamsa Venugopalan, the boss, explains how this came about and how she is driving the company forward. Read More
- Car Body | Universal Engineers
Car Body Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. Side Wall Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Roofs Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Under Frame Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. End Wall Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Nose Cone Shell Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Partition Frames Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Chair Pillars Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. End Part Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Final Roof Element Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Body Shell Items Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Coach Integration Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Bogie Frame Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.
- CRF & Tube Mill | Universal Engineers
CRF & Tube Mill Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. Car Line Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Roof Flange Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Corru. Roof Sheets Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Trough Roof Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Sole Bar Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Centre Sill Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. SS Square Tubes Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. SS Round Tubes Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.
- Interiors Furnishing | Universal Engineers
Interiors Furnishing Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. Doors Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Windows Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Air Ducts Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Pantry Equipments Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Hand Holds Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Luggage Racks Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Pillar Assembly Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Chair & Seating Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. SS Modular Toilets Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Honeycomb Panel Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.
- FRP Components | Universal Engineers
FRP Components Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. FRP Modular Toilets Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Ceiling Panels Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Side Wall Panels Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. End Wall Panels Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Driver Cab Panels Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Cab Mask Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.
- Digital Solutions | Universal Engineers
Digital Solutions Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. WiFi based Video On Demand Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. PAPIS Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. CCTV Surveillance Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Live TV On-Board Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Internet On-Board Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Set back Entertainment Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Audio Entertainment Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.
- Certificates | Universal Engineers
Certifications State of the art production machineries and extensive testing equipment’s. UECPL products conform to the highest quality standards for components of rail industry. UECPL is certified for IRIS Certification, ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO45000, EN15085, ISO/ IEC17025, ISO3834. QUALITY ISO 9001 Certificate of Registration ISO 14001 Certificate of Registration ISO 45001 Certificate of Registration EN 15085 Certificate of Registration IRIS ISO/TS 22163 Unit 1 Certificate of Registration IRIS ISO/TS 22163 Unit 2 Certificate of Registration ISO 3834 Certificate of Registration NABL Certificate of Registration Membership Certifications EEPC INDIA Certificate of Registration FIEO Certificate of Registration NIQR Certificate of Registration SIDM Certificate of Registration
- 404 | Universal Engineers
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- 404 | Universal Engineers
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- Design Centre | Universal Engineers
Design Centre Universal Engineers manufactures state-of-the-art products, which are of wide range, catering to the future market demands and requirements. Industrial Design Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Product Design & Styling Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Reverse Engineering Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Product Engineering Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. New Product Development Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Prototyping Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience. Simulation Analysis Doors allow passengers to gain access and leave the Passenger Train. Universal Engineers has mastered the art of manufacturing doors for passengers to have the safest experience.